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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Your Data is private. Only you have the access

Privacy of Customer Data

f-GIR is an online platform unit.

At f-GIR , we place the highest importance on respecting and protecting the privacy of our customers. Our relationship with you is our most important asset. We want you to feel comfortable and confident when using our products and services and with entrusting your personal and tax return information to us.


This statement applies to the f-GIR Web site (www.f-gir.com) and services that display or link to this statement.

Information Collection

  • When you purchase a service from f-GIR website, we ask you for information such as name, address, PAN, Aaadhar, email ID and telephone number that helps us confirm that your payment information is correct. This information is used to create or maintain your account information.
  • When you register, we require that you create user credentials consisting of a user ID and PASSWORD. We also collect an e-mail address so that we may send communications such as order confirmation or information about the status of your return.
  • In order to prepare your return, to file your return, to provide advice about the matters, and/or to provide an audit defense service, we collect information about your payments, deductions, credits, etc. Collectively, this information is known as payment return information.
  • When you visit our Websites, we may collect information about the pages you view, the links you select or actions you take using the standard information that your browser sends to each Web site you visit such as IP address, browser type, and the previously visited Web page.

Information Use

  • We do not sell or rent your personal information or Business Compliance information to anyone.
  • We do not share your personal payments or learning Compliance information with anyone outside of f-GIR for their promotional or marketing use.
  • We do not share your information inside of f-GIR for promotional or marketing use.
  • f-GIR uses your personal information to manage your account, to contact you and to operate, improve, and deliver our services, including Web sites.
  • We use your personal information to provide you with information and services you request, to tell you about f-GIR products and services, and to give you a customized, interactive experience as you use our products.
  • We use your personal information to charge you for the products and services you purchase. We use the contact information you provide to communicate with you. We use your tax return information to prepare and file your return, and provide related assistance and services.
  • We summarize information about your usage and combine it with that of others to learn about the use of f-GIR products/services to help us develop new products and services. This information is collected in such a way that it cannot be used to identify an individual.
  • We retain copies of your completed and filed records and returns in accordance with f-GIR’s Records and Information Management Policy. This information may also be used to perform analysis relating to your claims under our guarantees, or to provide you with a copy of your returns for your convenience.
  • We may use service companies on our behalf to perform services for you, but these companies are not allowed to use your information for their own purposes.
  • We may access and/or disclose your information if it is necessary to comply with the law or legal process, to protect or defend f-GIR . For example, we may be required to cooperate with regulators or law enforcement action such as a court order, subpoena or search warrant.

Information Security

f-GIR works to protect your personal information from loss, misuse or unauthorized alteration by using industry-recognized security safeguards, coupled with carefully developed security procedures and practices. We maintain electronic and procedural safeguards of all return information. We use both internal and external resources to review our security procedures. Whenever we prompt you to transmit sensitive information, such as debit card or credit card information, we support the encryption of your information as it is transmitted to us. Our employees are trained and required to safeguard your information.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Please note that this Privacy Policy may change from time to time. We will post any Privacy Policy changes on this page and, if the changes are significant, we will provide a more prominent notice (including, for certain services, email notification of Privacy Policy changes).