f-gir subheading image


Integrated Research Platform


f-GIR organizes different seminars on topic which is highly relevant to the development of the society, community at large. Most importantly, the development of bottom-line management for the stake holders like small and micro entrepreneurs.

Secondly for the developments of academic research around the world, endeavor of f-GIR . It  is to fill the gap on the process, which is highly challengeable. RF-India also tries to fill that gap by conducting seminars linking to the global young researchers on statistical methods, tools and research designing with appropriate real-time solutions to their own research.

Thirdly, f-GIR  has some vision to fill the gap in the societal development process, more particularly on the aspect of human behavior, attitude change over the time, Psychological, sociological impacts, environment etc., which is highly essentials now a days in almost every family and society that we feel, mark changes. Here relationship management system has a prime role in the process of community development. So, seminar is on high necessity now a days changing situations.

Schedule of seminar on every month once at least
Fees *As Applicable
(*the permission to entry in the e-seminar is totally depends upon the Board-F-GIR. Nobody can challenge on it)


Schedule Conferences of  members
Mode &Topic Physical and e-meet for discussion on relevant topics for total integrated development on time change wellness process with a vision to accumulate knowledge on integrated value system
Fees As Applicable*

Faculty Development Programme (FDP)

f-GIR organizes Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on change of environments on academics, research, policy of the government, and some specialized trainings as per the need of the hour, more particularly for Research designing tools and forthcoming issues and challenges in pedagogy, methodology etc. which are needed for integrated outcomes.

Schedule at least one in every month
Participant only registered members
Fees As Applicable
Certification After successful completion issued by  f-GIR


f-GIR feel the necessity of web platform and organize this with a different scientific module for value generation in both researchers and teachers with some of the most learned, experienced towering personalities of the globe to have a wide nexus to the community. So that these learners, participant can diffuse their knowledge, experience for the benefit of the society and this contribution are most powerful source of community development. Our vision is to generate integrated value(outcome) form all the intellectual inputs.

Schedule every month (mostly last Monday of each month
Fees As Applicable
Participant registered members (subject wise)
Seminar on Topics as required 


f-GIR organizes Seminar/FDP/Orientation by observing the change in the system more frequently on any subject.

  • The objective is to explore the activities (academic/Industry) to present before the learners through skill platform
  • The learning objective is empowering the learned society and teachers to make themselves more advanced with more value addition to their lives and to be in the forefront of the community.
Eligibility HS and Above
Topics, Date & Duration It will be displayed in the website from time to time on changing environment based on innovation
Certification Certificate will be provided by f_GIR with the collaboration of any academic or Industry to the participants after a satisfactory completion of the trainings.