f-gir subheading image






Training on Research methodology covers training and orientation

  • for selecting a topic of research
  • for entire questionnaire to collection of data
  • for using tools and techniques
  • for interpreting the results and analysis (Both Primary & Secondary data)
  • for measuring the relevancy
  • for writing a research paper
  • for using the software and plagiarism

Research workshops will be arranged frequently for orienting the researchers.

Fees Fees will be charged per training and will be notified in the website
Eligibility Registered members


Orientation  covers all issues relating to a research from starting of topic to completion of a report, which includes questionnaire, collection of data, using of statistical tools and techniques, searching and finding of Literatures, Analysis and interpretation of results, and finding a relevancy with using of software, which is even one-to-one solution based by our experts, who are renowned researchers and practitioners, experts with high research experience in multi diversified areas through online platforms.

Fees Fees will be charged per case
Eligibility Registered members


We provide to a new provision for the researchers to learn at home by directly linking themselves with our Lab and ask questions directly for their problems if any.

Fees Fees will be charged as  per 
Eligibility Registered members

Research certificates

Certificates of e-Ashram of f-GIR will be also provided to the researchers after successful completion of training

Online publication

Every Researcher enrolled in these programmes have that opportunity to publish in free of cost, their research papers in our Peer Reviewed International Journal-JBMCR, which is published since 2012 with much more credibility around the Globe.


Data analysis trainings & Methodology
  • It works on research projects , Orientation and trainings (whether the research is based on  business or academics-Humanities and social sciences)
  • It works on continuous practical operational activity through lab trainings for interpretation and analysis with methodology applications
  • Research publications in international reputed journals(indexed)
  • Preparation of project reports
  •  Trainings on analysis part  and methodology  applications (Statistcal and Mathematical)
  • Any researcher of interest from Academia /Industry
  • Above HS
Fees  As per class 
STAGE-I 1 MONTH (12hrs) -
  • Topic selection
  • Questionnaire formation
  • Tools and techniques applications
STAGE-II 2 MONTHS (24hrs)-
  • Primary data insertion
  • Table preparations
  • Analysis and interpretations
  • Secondary data � and its graphical and statistical presentation
STAGE-III 1 MONTH (12hrs)-
  • Measures of limitations
  • Preparing suggestions on findings
  • Preparing of PPT
  • Plagi check up
NB: For Any trainigns  (One-To-One) Separate fees will be charged for any discussion with our experts /experienced Research Teams


ELIGIBLITY : Any interested researcher can  enance the skill  on publishing  their research article based on any innovation (Humanities or social sciences) leads to  business, society or entrepreneurship, tourism, small and micro business, ports and transportation, cooperative management, micro finance, mutual fund, banking, insurance, online platforms, education system.

Only Innovative research can be included in the publications. So, researcher is advised to prepare their own research based on socio-economic problems/challenges without any conflict of interest to publish in this platform.

The research articles must be within 5-6 pages based on innovation only

Other articles will be rejected if it will not satisfy the criteria of our publications. So, researcher must take a note of it. This innovations in publication lead to a wider global impact for our socio-economic growth.

Specification for Publication : It must be within 6-8 pages (11 point Calibri-font)
  1. Introduction (one para )
  2. Objective and scope of research (Two para)
  3. Social - economical benefit or stakeholder benefit (one page)
  4. Data presentations or interpretation be specific to the study (maximum 10 tables/graphs) ( Maximum to 4-5 pages )
  5. Findings and Suggestions (specific: within 5 points) maximum to 1 page

The article preparation are  mentored by our Experts  in both online and Offline  trianings .So , they have to register and  will be eligible for trainigs and empowerment prgormammes.   .